Are You a Real Estate Investor? Are you looking to invest your hard-earned money to create passive income that will support a life time and potentially future generations? 

Adrian Yip and his team have the experience, knowledge, and infrastructure to help guideline ways to invest in real estate that could generate passive income. Our team specializes in multi-unit properties and could gentle guide you though the entire process, educating you from how to analyze if the property is a good investment for your money, manage tenants and vacancies or even doing a 1031 exchange to defer taxes when you trade your investment to a higher density/ higher return property.

Kindly fill out and submit the applicable FORM BELOW. Someone from our team will be in touch with you within 48 hours. As an alternative, please feel free to call or text us today at  (510) 493-8249 if you’d like to learn more.

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